Premium Bridal Shower Games Bundle I

A bridal shower is a treasured celebration, honoring the bride-to-be with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. One of the key elements that can make a bridal shower truly special are the games. Bridal shower games are not only a great way to break the ice among guests but also add a layer of fun and excitement to the event. In this guide, we’ll guide you through the premium bridal shower games that we offer and are sure to be a hit!
How to use?
1. Select “Add to Cart” and purchase your files.
2. Within a few minutes of placing your order, you will receive a link for your download.
3. Download the files and simply print your items at home or at a local print shop.
4. Stay wonderful!
Bridal Shower Games Guide
1. Bridal Word Scramble
- Preparation: Download Bridal word scramble.
- How to Play:
- Provide each guest with a list of scrambled words and a pen.
- Set a timer (e.g., 5 minutes) for guests to unscramble as many words as they can.
- The guest who unscrambles the most words correctly within the time limit wins a prize.
2. Who Knows the Bride Best?
- Preparation: Download the file. Additionally, create a list of questions about the bride’s life, preferences, and relationship with the groom.
- How to Play:
- Distribute the list of questions and pens to all guests.
- Ask each question aloud, giving guests time to write their answers.
- After all questions are answered, read out the correct answers.
- Guests score points for each correct answer, and the person with the most points wins a prize.
3. How Old Was the Bride-to-Be?
- Preparation: Download the file. Now, collect several photos of the bride at different ages and number them without revealing the ages.
- How to Play:
- Display the numbered photos where all guests can see them.
- Give each guest the downloaded sheet to write down their guesses for the bride’s age in each photo.
- Once everyone has made their guesses, reveal the correct ages.
- The guest with the most correct guesses or closest approximations wins a prize.
4. What Did the Groom Say?
- Preparation: Download the file. Prior to the shower, ask the groom a series of fun and interesting questions about himself, the bride, and their relationship as shown in the file.
- How to Play:
- At the shower, read out the questions one by one and ask the bride to guess the groom’s answers.
- After the bride gives her answer, reveal the groom’s actual response.
- Guests can score points for correct guesses if they play along, or you can simply enjoy the entertainment of seeing how well the bride knows the groom.
- Consider offering a small prize to the bride for each correct answer or to the guest with the most correct predictions if they are playing along.
5. What’s in Your Purse?
- Preparation: Download the file. You’ll find a list of items that might be found in a purse, assigning points to each item based on how common or uncommon they are.
- How to Play:
- Distribute the list and pens to guests.
- Ask guests to go through their purses and check off items they have that match the list, scoring points as they go.
- Tally up the points. The guest with the highest score wins a prize.
- Example Point System:
- Common items (lipstick, keys): 1 point each.
- Less common items (sewing kit, photograph): 3 points each.
- Uncommon items (toothbrush, book): 5 points each.
6. Guess How Many Kisses for the Bride-to-Be
- Preparation: Fill a clear jar with candy kisses (or another type of small candy) and count the exact number beforehand. Seal the jar.
- How to Play:
- Display the jar prominently at the shower.
- Provide slips of paper and pens for guests to write down their guesses for how many kisses are in the jar.
- Collect all the guesses and announce the actual number of kisses in the jar.
- The guest whose guess is closest to the actual number wins the jar of kisses as a prize.
These games are easy to set up and are sure to bring lots of fun and interaction to your bridal shower. Enjoy!
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