The Spaceman’s Hub!

220 Hilarious And Witty Airplane Puns To Soar Your Humor Sky High

Are you looking for a way to lighten up your next flight or impress your pilot friends? Look no further because we’ve got over 200 airplane puns that will have you soaring with laughter. From winging it to turbulence, these puns will take you on a wild ride through the skies. So buckle up and get ready to fly high with some hilarious and witty jokes that will take your humor to new heights. Whether you’re a frequent flyer or an aviation enthusiast, these puns will definitely tickle your funny bone. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as we take off into the world of airplane puns.

Flying High with Plane Puns (Editors Pick)

  1. Why was the airplane cold? Because it left its de-icing behind.
  2. Why did the airplane break up with its girlfriend? She was a real drag.
  3. Why was the computer cold on the airplane? It left its Windows open.
  4. What’s the difference between a pilot and a jet engine? The jet engine stops whining when it gets to the gate.
  5. Why did the plane join the military? It wanted to jet fly.
  6. What do you get when you cross an airplane with a vegetable? A plain lettuce.
  7. What do you call an airplane that’s too heavy? A wait-plane.
  8. Why do airplanes like to read? So they can go on a-flying trips.
  9. Why did the airplane go on a diet? It wanted to reduce its fuel intake.
  10. Who is the best airline for dogs? Delta Pet Airlines, because they love to sniff around the cabin.
  11. Why did the airplane go to school? It wanted to learn how to take off and land.
  12. How did the airplane know it was late for its flight? It had runway fever.
  13. What do you call an airplane with a cold? A Boeing 707 cough cough.
  14. What do you get when you cross an airplane and a sheep? A fleece-jet.
  15. What do you call it when a plane can’t take off? Landing gear.
  16. What do you call an airplane that keeps getting lost? Directionally challenged.
  17. Why don’t planes tell me their problems? They don’t like to air their grievances.
  18. Why did the airplane go to the gym? It wanted to get some inside tracks.
  19. Why did the student pilot quit flying? He couldn’t handle the airliners.
  20. Why do airplanes go to the eye doctor? To keep their vision sharp.


Fly-high Fun(ny): Hilarious One-liner Puns on Airplanes!

  1. Why did the airplane break up with his girlfriend? She kept winging it!
  2. I asked the pilot if he could take me to cloud nine, but he said it was overbooked.
  3. Did you hear about the pilot who loved to knit? He made high-flying scarves!
  4. Why do airplanes always feel tired? They’re always jet-lagged!
  5. The airplane was feeling stuck, but then it finally took off its training wheels.
  6. Why did the airplane get kicked out of the library? It was too loud and overdue for maintenance.
  7. I bought a paper airplane online, but it was a rip-off.
  8. Have you heard the one about the airplane that went on a diet? It was trying to reduce its baggage.
  9. The airplane needed a new boss, but it was hard because the competition was plane-deadly.
  10. What do you call an angry airplane? A cross-wind.
  11. Why did the airplane go on a crash diet? It needed to shed some weight.
  12. Why couldn’t the airplane dance? It had two left wings.
  13. Did you hear about the delivery airplane that stole from its passengers? It was a robber-plane.
  14. How does an airplane wake up in the morning? It cockpit open.
  15. Why did the airplane join Twitter? It wanted to be a flying blogger.
  16. Did you hear about the airplane that got a sunburn? It forgot to wear its wing screen.
  17. Why did the airplane go to school? To get a higher education.
  18. What do you get when you cross an airplane and a car? A flying car-tastrophe.
  19. Why did the airplane break up with its engine? It just didn’t have the spark anymore.
    20.Why don’t airplanes ever get nervous about their network security? Because every time they fly, they test VPN connection – Very Plane Network!

  1. Why did the airplane break up with his girlfriend? Because they had too much turbulence in their relationship.
  2. Why don’t airplanes keep secrets? Because they always reveal their altitude.
  3. Why did the comedian board the airplane? To make some winged jokes.
  4. Why do airplanes go to the gym? To stay in plane sight.
  5. Why did the airplane take a nap? Because it was a propeller head.
  6. Why can’t an airplane keep a secret? Because it’s always running its mouth.
  7. Why did the airplane refuse to take off? It had a runway feeling.
  8. How did the airplane propose to his girlfriend? With a wing.
  9. Why wasn’t the airplane happy with its landing? Because it felt a bit “plane”.
  10. What do you get when you mix an airplane with a magician? An aerodynamic trickster.
  11. Why did the airplane go on a diet? It was tired of being a heavy jetter.
  12. What do you call an airplane that can’t fly? A taxi.
  13. How does an airplane propose to another airplane? “Wheels you marry me?”
  14. Why do airplanes always arrive late? They wing it.
  15. Why did the airplane comedian fail? Because his jokes never took off.
  16. Why did the airplane citizen hate politics? Because they were always on the left wing.
  17. What do you call an airplane that’s always on time? Prompter airlines.
  18. Why was the airplane employee unhappy? Because he wanted to fly solo.
  19. Why do airplanes take their shoes off before boarding? They don’t want to plane-dalize the seats.
  20. Why did the airplane lose his job? He couldn’t handle the commute.

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